Monday, November 8, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat, Smell my feet
Give me something good to eat!
If you don't, I won't be sad,
I'll just make you wish you had!
                                           --MONTY HARPER

I know. I know. I KNOW. I am way behind on getting some Halloween Trick or Treating pictures up. We have been knee deep in chaos and neck deep in paint for the past few weeks.  We are finally finished painting and are now at the stage of getting everything back into place. It's really difficult to teach your two year old that it isn't right to climb over the armrest of the sofa to sit on the cushion when that's the only way to get to it. We had our entire den shoved to the middle of the room, with everything touching, for days.  Alas, the paint is done. 

But that's for another come....probably later.

Anyways, here are the Halloween pictures.  Since this is so late, it will probably be short on words and long on pictures.  Both kids had a blast. Cari surprisingly remembered this event from last year and knew exactly what to do.  She started asking about trick or treating the instant she woke up on Sunday morning.  It was a long day, waiting until the sun set that night. 

Both kids dressed up in their little costumes and set out with their pumpkins, with lots of space to fill up with yummy, delicious, addicting, and terrifying sugary treats.  But what fun it is to knock on random doors and have people give you stuff, right? How can that ever be un-fun?

We saw lots of sights, tasted many candies, passed many friends out in the street.  Chad was as happy as he could be, in someone's arms or on shoulders, passing others high and bye, except for passing by scary skeletons!

Cari has asked every day since Halloween when she can go trick or treating again. I finally told her that she won't go again until she is three years old. So now she thinks she is having a Trick or Treat birthday party. Every day, she says to me, "Mommy, when I turn frweeeeee, we will go trick or treating, okay?" So, if you are around in March for her birthday, we may set out on a gruesome adventure!


The Turkstra's said...

Haha how exciting! A trick or treat birthday party would be a blast!!

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