Have no fear
I love you perfectly
Love drives out fear
I'll take your burden
You take my grace
Rest easy
In my embrace
In the midst of awful, horrible, gut wrenching, knee weakening frustration, confusion, and fear of raccoons invading our home, we are so very thankful for our wonderful family. For the past several weeks we have been battling the mother raccoon in our attic, chimney, yard, everywhere. Each day she has been digging new holes throughout the house to get to her precious little babies to supply them food. I sure wish some people would fight so hard for their babies as this raccoon does. But that's beside the point.
We have been living in misery for the past few weeks fighting not only the raccoon to try to keep her from ravaging our home more, but also pest control people who were doing the not-so-good (okay, wrong) things to keep this raccoon out. Each day, more damage occurred. Each day, I felt sicker and sicker.
No matter how much damage was done outside our home, joy overflowed inside from our beaming little ones. And each day, our lovelies continued to remind us of what truly matters.
Family. Snuggles. Raspberries on soft, silky smooth skin which produces a little shrill squeal of torturous excitement. Playtime. Laughtime. Reading time. "Up the hill time." "Down the hill time." "Close it eggs." Little feet that pitter-patter through the house calling out "Mommy? Daddy? Running fast?"
However, those same little pitter-pattering feet have others who love them dearly and would love to see them during such a stressful time in our house. So, off to Grandmama's and Grandaddy's we go. We packed up the bags while the kids napped and when they woke up, we revealed the new plans to them. Cari's eyebrows popped up like the biggest rainbows you've ever seen during the worst storm. "Grandmama? Grandaddy? Unca Jay? Ashie? Mowwie? House?" She could not contain the slightest bit of excitement. "Yes, honey, we are going to their house, and we are going to spend the night." She reached her hands way, way up into the air as far as her little fingers could stretch, then clasped them tightly against her sweet little pounding chest and exclaimed, "Sounds wike fun!!!" Off we went.
What would we do with out Grandmama and Grandaddy? We owe everything to them. We stayed and played, slept, ate, escaped the banging and crashing, ripping, and nashing of Momma Coon getting to her babies. We ran after the dogs, carrying around our magic wands, waving them hard in the air, proclaiming "No more waccons! No more waccoons!"
Uncle Jay told great stories that had everyone captivated. I'm not quite sure what they were about, but he had the attention for a long time.
Ash was definitely asking some difficult questions and had everyone interested.
Lily, the super neighbor dog loved the story and was sure to say thank you.
And poor little Abby was left behind so Cari caught her up on all the great tales.
Molly is so energetic and loving. There is nothing like the love of a dog. No matter how down you are on yourself, she is always there to let you know that you definitely rule the world. She gets so excited to be in your presence.
Sweet little Ashie. I think that says it all.
After returning home to check on the house and finding even more damage, we agreed to stay another night, and are forever indebted to Grandmama and Grandaddy for all they do for us. We spent the next afternoon at the pool splashing around in the shower, slithering down the slide, and gliding along in the float.
The slide was definitely Cari's favorite. She would take a mad dash up the hill and if you weren't watching her at all moments.
She surely would have zipped down and around the curves with not an ounce of fear on her shoulders.
That is, until the lifeguards informed us that only one person can go down the slide at a time. Oops. It was fun while it lasted. You could hear Cari's excitement booming throughout the pool side as she and Grandaddy slid and twisted down each nook of the slide to land with a giant splash in the end.
And you can never leave a pool without first standing in the shower to feel the little pellets slapping you on the cheeks, squinting your eyes as hard as you can so you can still see but not let any droplets in. Grandaddy, oh Grandaddy is smitten. He will stand there and pull that chain no matter how many times you ask. He overflows of love, generosity, and charity.
On the way in to the house, we stopped to take a peek at the little birdlings that are hatching in the front yard. Oh, how I wish we were raising little birdlings instead of little coons, but coons we must. Look at their little beaks and the feathers spewing out from their head as they call to their mommies for food. So absolutely precious.
And nothing tops the day like a bowlful of Grandmama's homemade ice cream. Enjoying a little ice cream goodness, picnic style, family style.
Thank you so so so so SO very much, Grandmama and Grandaddy. We really don't know how we would have made it through this weekend without you. We are truly in awe of your love and generosity towards your children and your grandchildren. Thank you. We love you dearly.
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