I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it,
Ya like to move it, move it!!
-- Reel 2 Real
Well, my little fella is on the move. He started crawling just one day before he turned 7 months old. His incredible pediatrician, whom we love to pieces, predicted he'd be crawling before 7 months. How right was he?? Chad started to get up and take one or two crawling steps that day, but he didn't even realize he was doing it. Since then, he has perfected his crawl and can now move across the house to get exactly what he lays his eyes on. So far, his three favorite things to run for are his sister's hair, books to eat (and yes, I mean EAT), and golf clubs. He's so cute when he crawls, he has a very mechanical look to him. And, not surprisingly, he doesn't take advantage of his mobility. He likes to stay quite near me. *Big surprise* I guess I won't have to worry about him running off and out of sight!
Here's cute little video.
In the meantime, other random things that have been going on....
Cari decided to join the Blues Brothers.
Chad watched his very first British Open with his Daddy and celebrated in full fashion showing off his African lion to congratulate 2010's champion South African Louis Oosthuizen (yes, I had to look up his name to check the spelling).

Poor little Cari came down with a fever. It was randomly brought on and it randomly went away. But while it was here, it was a booger. She was in so much pain - writhing, twisting, whining, crying, whincing, shaking. She moved from the couch to the chair, to Mommy and Daddy's bed, to her bed, to the floor, on the pillow, off the pillow, tried juice, milk, Gatorade, ice water, popcicles, yogurt. Nothing would take the pain away. It reminded me of when I was in labor with each of the kids. I want to sit. No, I want to stand. I need to walk. No, I can't walk. I don't want to lay down. I need to stand. I'm going to pass out. Please get me water. I'm hot. I'm shivering it's so cold in here. I felt so horrible for her and wished I could take all of her pain away. She finally found a spot on the floor with Daddy, right where the air vent blew cold and refreshing air onto her.
All the while, her little Kermie was right by her side.
Chad was a good sport and played very well by himself while we cuddled our sick little bunny.
He also discovered the precious little Bitty Baby. He is such a love. He pulls her out of the stroller, grabs her around the neck, squeezes tight, and plants a big slobbery kiss right on top of her head.
But, no worries. He lays it on thick, and then tries to take her seat.
Not too happy that he can't quite get his bottom up high enough to get in that stroller. Maybe next time...
Chad is also very, very enthralled by the golf club. Daddy's very proud. When Daddy picks up the club to take a swing, Chad never takes his eyes off of him. He's already studying technique. And very excited to get some practice of his own.
Chad is happiest right when you pull him out of the bathtub. I guess it is getting out of the warm water into the fresh cool air and being completely nakey, then getting all snuzzled up in a towel and squeezed tight by his Mommy, carried to his room, laid on the bed and tickled until he can't handle it anymore. In any event, he likes after-bath time.
And yes, the little bugs is feeling much better!