Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Monster Mash

The zombies were having fun
The party had just begun
The guests included Wolf Man
Dracula and his son.

The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds
Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds
The coffin-bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group "The Crypt-Kicker Five."

The played the mash
They played the monster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash.
                                                    --BOBBY "BORIS" PICKETT

Oh yes, Fall is here. We keep saying that, but it keeps disappearing; such is weather in Atlanta. We woke up this morning to numb fingers and runny noses caused by broken heat and cold temperatures, settled down for a hot cup of coffee, some toast and our morning family time.  Cari is so excited about trick-or-treating and is asking every hour or so when it is time to go.  We keep telling her how many days are left, but the days are nonsense to her.  Everything is counted in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Needless to say, she was ecstatically spooked when we told her that TODAY is the day of the Halloween Party at Mia and Macie's house.  She just couldn't comprehend why there was going to be no birthday cake, because every party deserves birthday cake.

While her little brother was sleeping, we adorned ourselves with sparkles, crowns, feathers, and lipstick.  We watched the jewels shine in the sunlight, and giggled as the glitter was cold and slimey on our faces.  Slithered on the elaborate gown, and poof! I present to you.........Miss Ariel!!!
Chad was just as excited to put on his little pumpkin costume. He wore his bug shirt inside of the pumpkin in case he started showing his spoiled rotten personality while we were there.

But he had a blast, keeping up with the big kids, scarfing down cheese sammiches, sharing with Lola the puppy, and snatching his big sister's leftovers.
The kids enjoyed yummy food and also went trick-or-treating "around town."  This party was spectacular, as we expected nothing less. Kristy always does a spooktacular job.

Must be some mummilicious food!

Thank you again for having us! It was frightfully fun!

We are looking forward to skip-hopping down the street tomorrow night for trick-or-treating in the traditional fashion. Maybe in a wagon, with candied apples, straw hats, flashlights, rumbly voices, and furrowed eyebrows trying to figure out who everyone is.  Hope you find a way to celebrate as well.

Happy Halloween, everyone!!!


The Turkstra's said...

Oh my! Looks like tons of fun!!

Meredith R. said...

What a cute idea! I really like the trick or treating around town. One question though - what are the two girls with the pink rings supposed to be?

Sarah said...

That is the cutest ariel ever!

The Flight of the Moody Family said...

such a clever little idea for a party. Everyone looked great.

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