Tuesday, August 24, 2010

If I had a Million Dollars

If I had a million dollars
I'd build a tree fort in your yard
If I had a million dollars
You could help, it wouldn't be that hard
If I had a million dollars
Maybe we could put a little fridge in there.

And if I had a million dollars
I'd buy your looooooooove.
                                  --BARENAKED LADIES

For Daddy's birthday tomorrow, Cari and I decided to take a little shopping trip. Cari wanted to get Daddy some very special things. So after dinner, we collected all of our money and headed to the store. 

With four dollars, Cari was able to pick out 3 very special presents for Daddy, all on her own. I was very interested to see what she would be drawn to.  She immediately ran straight for the napkins.

Seeing that Daddy has a pretty bad cold visiting for his birthday, this was very fitting, although, I'm sure he'd appreciate the softness of tissues a little more.  Nonetheless, THIS was the "pwesent" that she most insisted on getting Daddy. Into the basket they went.

Cari is a great shopper.  She talked about her basket being too heavy for her, but she trudged on.  The joy is worth the pain.

She checked out some little grill pans, which seemed pretty interesting, but then decided against them.

She attempted to buy herself some bandaids.  "Some bandaids fowr my boo-boos!!!!!" but when I reminded her that we were shopping for Daddy's birthday and not for herself, she decided that Daddy doesn't have boo-boos and therefore, he didn't need bandaids.

She did admit to causing ulcers every now and again, as any two-year-old would, so she found the perfect item for him. And, BONUS! It was pink! Bright pink!

We then passed a brightly colored display of some good smelling stuff, and that caught her attention for awhile. I was secretly hoping she'd want one for Daddy, but she didn't pick it out and I didn't speak up. She just took a couple good whiffs and let it be.  I knew she'd find the perfect #3 item for him in time.

The buckets were tempting, but, eh, not much to them.
Finally, we arrived at the toy aisle and I thought she found her #3. A box of matchbox (type) cars.  She got so excited and said, "Daddy wuv dem!" She couldn't put them down, just staring in admiration, tucking them under her arm, holding them high up in the air, swinging them around and around.

After a long deliberation, she decided to put the cars back and seek out the perfect gift to fill the final spot in the basket.  And, yes, she spots it. Do you see what I see?

An entire case of...... Silly String!  This girl has never seen or heard of silly string before, but there is just something about it that makes you want to grab every single one of those cans and start spraying.

After a sad parting with the many cans of silly string, she decided orange was the color of the night and plopped it in the basket. "Now I pay, Mommy" she says, so off we go.

She was so proud of herself for such a successful shopping trip and super excited that she also got money back....coins, which are much more fun than paper!

And.....we got him! SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Eve, Daddy!!!!

Can't you tell he's excited about his specially selected pink stuff? He must be geting old....

Happy Birthday, Daddy! We can't wait to celebrate with you tomorrow!


Melissa said...

Your pictures tell the story perfectly! So precious! I love that she got "pink stuff"!
thanks for your comment love at my blog, pathb4me.blogspot.com


The Flight of the Moody Family said...

Oh, how fun. What special presents Cari chose. What a good idea to have her do it all on her own. Makes it even more special. I hope Andy had a great birthday.

Unknown said...

thanks for sending me this link. You are such a precious family to me

Christine from down under!!!

April said...

love it. i take the kids to the dollar tree for bdays too. casey DID choose the matchbox cars for daddy's last birthday :-D

Sarah said...

This is such a great idea! I'm totally stealing this one for Christmas presents!

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